New Maximum Retail Milk Prices for 1-Litre Containers

On January 11, 2023, Manitoba Regulation 110/89, The Retail Milk Prices Order, was amended by replacing Section 1 of Schedule A that deals with the maximum retail prices of Class 1 Milk for one-litre containers. The new maximum retail milk prices for a 1-Litre Container are:
Note that in Canada, milk is sold according to a harmonized milk classification system that is based on what the milk is used for. When prices are updated, the milk price adjustment formula, as well as various factors relative to markets outside Canada, are applied to the price of milk in the different classes.
The Harmonized Milk Classification System (HMCS) has five classifications of milk: Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class, 4, Class 5. Each class of milk is further broken down into two to five subcategories. These different classifications are used by Provincial Marketing Boards and/or Provincial Regulatory Agencies to bill milk components.
*Source: Manitoba (2/2023) January 11, 2023.