Provincial Political Party Annual Allowance Payments


On January 12, 2023 Elections BC issued a notice to comply with section 270.01 of the Election Act. The Chief Electoral Officer must publish the amounts of annual allowance payments to registered political parties at the start of each year.

Annual allowance payments for 2023 were calculated by multiplying $1.75 per vote received in the most recent provincial general election.

To qualify for annual allowance payments, Registered political parties must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Received at least 2% of the total number of valid votes cast in all electoral districts in the most recent provincial general election, or
  • Received at least 5% of the total number of valid votes cast in the electoral districts where the political party endorsed candidates in the most recent provincial general election.

Note that the per-vote subsidy allowance payments were first introduced by Premier John Horgan following the 2017 BC election. At which time the per-vote subsidy was set at $2.50 per vote.


*Source: British Columbia (Notice) January 12, 2023