The Treatment of Earnings under Ontario Disability Support Program

On November 24, 2022 and filed on January 4, 2023, Ontario regulation 1/23 revokes Subparagraphs 1 ii and iii of subsection 38 (1) of Ontario Regulation 222/98 that deals with the rules with respect to the treatment of earnings, and substitutes the following:
ii. for each adult member of the benefit unit with earnings that are not otherwise fully exempt by this section, an amount of,
A. $1,000, if the member of the benefit unit is a person with a disability or a member of a prescribed class, or
B. $200, if the member of the benefit unit is not a person with a disability or a member of a prescribed class.
iii. for each adult member of the benefit unit whose monthly income determined under this paragraph exceeds the total amount of exemptions to which the member is entitled under subparagraphs i and ii,
A.25 per cent of the amount by which the income exceeds the exemptions, if the member of the benefit unit is a person with a disability or a member of a prescribed class, or
B. 50 per cent of the amount by which the income exceeds the exemptions, if the member of the benefit unit is not a person with a disability or a member of a prescribed class.
*Source: Ontario (1/23) January 24, 2023.