Changes in the Medical Act, except for the Advisory Committee


On February 9, 2023, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council by way of proclamation, declares that An Act to Amend the Medical Act, with the exception of section 12, will come into force on May 1, 2023.

Section 12 of the Act to Amend the Medical Act deals with an Advisory Committee in which the Minister shall establish to provide advice in relation to registration of persons under subsections 19.1(2) and other matters as determined by the minister. The committee shall consist of 2 medical practitioners appointed by the minister, one employee of the department selected by the deputy minister and 2 representatives of the college appointed by the college.

Subsection 19.1(2) refers to persons who holds a medical degree granted by a medical school or an osteopathic medical school prescribed in the regulations or located in a jurisdiction prescribed in the regulations; are licensed to practice medicine in a jurisdiction prescribed in the regulations; and who possesses the other qualifications and meets the other requirements that may be prescribed in the regulations as qualifying a person for registration on the provisional register.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland and Labrador regulates the practice of medicine in the public interest. It is governed by a 15-member Council which includes the Registrar and Deputy Registrar, who are medical practitioners, and are ex-officio members. The remaining 13 members, seven are licensed medical practitioners elected by their peers and six are appointed by the Minister of Health and Community Services. Two of the six are nominated by the Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association. Of the remaining four appointed by the minister, three are public members and are not medical practitioners; one is appointed from a list submitted by the Board of Regents of Memorial University.

The College sets qualifications for registration and licensure; conducts the licensing process; investigates complaints; conducts disciplinary hearings; sets standards for ethical, professional behaviour; sets standards for medical practice; promotes continued competence; registers professional medical corporations (PMCs); and maintains physician registers.


*Source: Newfoundland and Labrador (3/23) February 9, 2023.