Revised Standards for High LPC Levels
March 22, 2023
New Brunswick Farm Products Commission under the Natural Products Act, issued Order No. 2023-02, which establishes regulations for milk producers whose Laboratory Pasteurization Count (LPC) exceeds 5000/ml. This order delineates comprehensive procedures to address high LPC levels.
- Board: Refers to the Dairy Farmers of New Brunswick.
- Commission: Represents the New Brunswick Farm Products Commission.
- JPS: The Department of Justice and Public Safety for New Brunswick.
- LPC: Laboratory Pasteurization Count, an indicator of microbial content in milk.
- Bulk Tank Milk Grader: An individual responsible for grading, sampling, and managing the transfer of milk.
- Producer: Any person engaged in the production and marketing of milk in New Brunswick.
- RPC: The Research and Productivity Council.
- Tank: A stationary vessel used for storing and cooling raw milk at dairy plants or bulk milk receiving stations.
Procedures for High LPC:
Immediate Actions:
- If RPC determines that a producer’s LPC exceeds 5000/ml, JPS inspectors will forward the necessary documentation to the Commission to request the suspension of the producer’s license.
- The Commission will notify the Board to cease milk pickup from the affected producer.
- The Commission will inform the producer of the suspension and the requirement to reduce the LPC to 1000/ml or lower before milk pickup can resume.
Testing and Reinstatement:
- Producers may request JPS to arrange for LPC testing on weekdays through a bulk tank milk grader or inspector.
- Upon achieving an LPC of 1000/ml or below, JPS will notify the Commission, which will then reinstate the producer’s license.
- Following reinstatement, producers may resume milk shipments, but only with a maximum of two days’ production in the tank for the first pickup.
This order aims to ensure rigorous quality control to uphold high standards of milk safety in New Brunswick.
New Brunswick (New Brunswick Farm Products Commission Order 2023-02), March 22, 2023.