Mandating Collaboration Between the Provincial Government and Specified Municipalities


On May 31, 2023, the Government of British Columbia enacted B.C. Reg. 133/2023 under the Housing Supply Act, 2022, with the aim of enhancing housing supply through coordinated efforts with specified municipalities. 

The regulation designates certain municipalities as “specified municipalities,” which will adhere to specific provisions of the Act. These municipalities include major urban centers like Vancouver, Burnaby, and Surrey, along with various smaller communities. Each specified municipality must appoint a primary contact person to facilitate consultations with the minister regarding housing target orders and directives, ensuring effective communication between the government and local authorities.

Municipalities are given a 30-day period to provide written feedback on proposed housing target orders and actions, promoting a collaborative decision-making process. Additionally, specified municipalities are required to submit housing target progress reports, which must include relevant contact information and be received by resolution within 45 days after the reporting period. Extensions for these reports can be granted upon written request.

Furthermore, municipalities must collect and provide various data points to the minister upon request. This includes information about land use, residential density, permit applications, and development constraints, which are critical for assessing housing capacity and planning. The regulation was approved in conjunction with the Housing Supply Act, signaling a prompt move to operationalize the legislative framework aimed at increasing housing availability.

The Housing Supply Regulation represents an attempt in addressing the housing crisis in British Columbia. By mandating collaboration between the provincial government and specified municipalities, the provincial government aims to ensure local needs are taken into account in housing planning. The regulatory intention is to foster a responsive and coordinated approach to housing development, helping to alleviate housing shortages.

British Columbia (133/2023)  June 6, 2023