Moving Beyond Outdated Agricultural Promotion Frameworks


On August 1, 2023, the Government of Nova Scotia issued N.S. Reg. 141/2023, a proclamation that officially repealed the Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition Commission Act. This repeal is part of a legislative effort designed to nullify the original framework for the Provincial Exhibition Commission.

Originally, the Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition Commission Act was introduced to create and regulate the Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition Commission.

The Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition Commission (the “Commission”) was established in 1946 through a provincial charter. It operates under the governance of the Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition Commission Act, 1992, as amended (the “Act”), alongside the Agricultural Exhibitions and Fairs Regulations created under Section 160 of the Agriculture and Marketing Act, and the Maritime Provinces Harness Racing Commission Act. The objectives of the Commission, as outlined in the Act and amended in 2006, include: 1) holding agricultural and industrial exhibitions throughout the province; 2) managing a racetrack for horse racing and allowing pari-mutuel and off-track betting; 3) conducting other lawful gaming and gambling activities compatible with racetrack operations; and 4) promoting public awareness of agriculture’s development and impact in Nova Scotia.

The Commission is a not-for-profit association that operates a 65-acre multi-purpose exhibition facility located in Bible Hill, Nova Scotia. Aside from occasional maintenance of the Act, the Province of Nova Scotia does not directly engage with the Commission. Historically, provincial financial support has been limited to loans from the Nova Scotia Farm Loan Board and requests for grants to support the annual Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition and raceway operations.

The Commission’s facility houses the Truro Raceway, a half-mile harness racing track, and an Agridome with an indoor sports turf that can be adapted for various events, including concerts and agricultural shows. Each August, the Commission hosts the Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition (the “Exhibition”), a five-day event that attracts over 40,000 attendees. The Exhibition features a major 4-H show, beef and dairy competitions, a heavy horse pull, light horse shows, rodeos, demolition derbies, antique farm machinery displays, and a range of agricultural and craft competitions. Additionally, numerous commercial and non-commercial exhibits and demonstrations are available for public viewing. Throughout the year, the Commission’s facilities are also utilized by various groups for different events.

However, over time, it became clear that this legislative framework no longer met the needs of the province or its agricultural sector. The decision to repeal the act followed a comprehensive review of its effectiveness, with the Minister of Agriculture’s recommendation reflecting a shift in focus for agricultural exhibitions in Nova Scotia. This recommendation was formalized in Order in Council 2023-219, which laid the groundwork for the proclamation.

Nova Scotia (141/2023) August 11, 2023