Promoting Responsible Alcohol Consumption While Ensuring Public Safety

On August 28, 2023, the Liquor Licensing Regulation was amended under Manitoba Regulation 136/2023, updating the existing Liquor Licensing Regulation (M.R. 61/2014). This amendment is part of a larger effort to modernize the regulatory framework for liquor licensing, ensuring it aligns with contemporary practices while addressing public safety and community needs.
One change is the repeal of the definitions for “entertainment venue operator” and “veterans organization,” reflecting a streamlined approach on licensing categories. Additionally, the definition of “adult entertainment” has been clarified to encompass any form of dancing or exhibition involving a person who is nude or partially nude. New definitions have also been introduced for “age-restricted licensed premises,” which are establishments that either hold a specific liquor service license prohibiting minors or have conditions limiting minor access.
Licensees now have the authority to set maximum capacities for specific areas within their premises, improving crowd management and safety. Furthermore, signage requirements have been updated to specify that notices must be posted, promoting clearer communication of regulations to patrons.
The regulations also adjust the allowable volumes for liquor servings, increasing the maximum pour for spirits from 85.2 ml to 86 ml, and raising the limit for wine bottles from 750 ml to 1,000 ml. Patrons are now allowed to bring their own commercially-made wine in unopened bottles to licensed premises, expanding consumer choice. Licensees are also authorized to sell beer, wine, cider, or coolers with food orders for delivery or takeout.
A new provision allows patrons to take unfinished bottles of wine home, provided the bottle is recorked by the licensee, encouraging the reduction of waste. In terms of minors, they are now permitted to perform entertainment in age-restricted licensed venues if accompanied by a parent or guardian, but they are prohibited from performing when adult entertainment is being offered.
Adult entertainment can only occur in age-restricted venues or other licensed establishments specifically authorized by the executive director, ensuring a controlled environment for such activities. Additionally, licensees are required to offer a variety of food and non-alcoholic beverages at all times while the premises are open, fostering a more inclusive atmosphere. They may also serve prepackaged food or food prepared outside the licensed area.
Regulations now specify that patrons must vacate age-restricted premises within 60 minutes after liquor sales end, promoting improved closing practices and reducing potential disturbances.
The changes aim to promote responsible alcohol consumption while ensuring public safety and compliance with established guidelines.
Manitoba (136/2023) August 28, 2023