Standard Operating Procedure: Grant Allocations for Public Libraries


The Public Libraries Allocation of Grants Regulation, M.R. 134/2023, associated with The Public Libraries Act, C.C.S.M. c. P220 establishes a framework for distributing operating grants to public libraries in Manitoba, incorporating specific eligibility criteria and formulas for determining grant amounts.

The regulation begins with essential definitions: “Act” refers to The Public Libraries Act; “fiscal year” denotes the period from April 1 to March 31; “library collection materials” includes various media provided to patrons, both printed and digital; “operating grant” signifies funding for the regular operational expenses of a public library, excluding capital expenditures; “participating municipality” is any municipality that has established a public library or engaged in a regional library agreement; and “public library” includes both municipal and regional libraries, including those operated by The City of Winnipeg.

To qualify as a participating municipality in the grant allocation formula, a municipality must have contributed at least $3.75 per capita to its public library in the preceding calendar year, ensuring a demonstrated commitment to library funding. The regulation details how operating grants for public libraries are calculated using the formula A + (B × C). Here, A is the lesser of total funding received from participating municipalities in the previous year or $20,000 multiplied by the number of participating municipalities. B represents the greater of zero or the difference between total funding and the maximum calculated funding. C is a percentage based on the number of participating municipalities, ranging from 25% for 1-2 municipalities to 75% for more than 10. Notably, if the calculated operating grant for a fiscal year is less than the amount received in the previous fiscal year, the library may retain that prior amount, provided total municipal funding does not decrease.

The regulation also includes a specific provision for public libraries operated by The City of Winnipeg, adjusting the grant calculation to a maximum of $4,000,000. This is determined using the formula D + E, where D is 15% of total expenditures from the previous calendar year related to library collection materials and staff salaries, and E adds $10,000 for each full-time equivalent credentialed librarian employed in a city library. A “credentialed librarian” is defined as an individual holding a master’s degree in library and information studies from an accredited institution.

To be eligible for an operating grant, a public library must meet several criteria: it must submit a grant application in the required format and timeline, provide the library board’s most recent approved budget estimate by July 1, submit the previous year’s audited financial statements within the specified timeframe, and participate in an approved library resource-sharing program. Additionally, the regulation repeals the former Public Libraries Allocation of Grants Regulation (M.R. 279/87), marking a shift in grant allocation and management.

Manitoba (134/2023) August 28, 2023