Tightens Safety in Boiler Regulations


The New Brunswick Regulation 2024-15, established under the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Act (O.C. 2024-74). This regulation updates and replaces two key schedules—Schedule A and Schedule B—within the existing New Brunswick Regulation 84-177. These updates aim to align the province’s regulatory framework with current standards governing boilers, pressure vessels, and related systems to ensure these devices operate safely and comply with modern safety codes and inspection requirements.

Schedule A has been revised to reflect the latest versions of important industry standards and codes that govern the design, construction, and maintenance of boilers and pressure vessels. Among the key updates are several sections from the 2021 edition of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. These sections address critical aspects such as materials (Sections I, II), construction and design (Sections IV, VIII), and safety protocols for inspections and testing (Sections V, IX, and X). The updated regulation also incorporates the ASME CSD-1-2021 standard, which outlines guidelines for controls and safety devices in automatically fired boilers. The 2022 editions of various ASME piping codes, including ASME B31.1 for Power Piping and ASME B31.3 for Process Piping, are also included to ensure that piping systems associated with boilers and pressure vessels meet stringent safety and performance requirements.

Additionally, Schedule A includes updated standards from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), specifically the NB 23-2023 National Board Inspection Code, which governs the in-service inspection, repair, and alteration of pressure vessels. This ensures that pressure vessels remain in good working condition throughout their service life, reducing the risk of accidents. The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) plays a significant role in the updated Schedule A, particularly with the inclusion of CSA B51:19, which sets the design, construction, and inspection standards for boilers and pressure vessels in Canada. Additional CSA standards address mechanical refrigeration systems, oil-burning equipment installation, and the requirements for pressure-retaining systems in CANDU nuclear power plants.

Schedule B complements the broader technical standards in Schedule A by focusing on installation and safety requirements for specific systems and devices. One of the key updates is the ASME CSD-1-2021, which covers controls and safety devices for automatically fired boilers, ensuring safe and efficient operation. In addition, updated CSA standards in Schedule B highlight installation codes for refueling stations, particularly for compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) stations.

Other key inclusions in Schedule B address the installation and handling of propane systems, hydrogen generators, and oil and gas pipeline systems. The regulation also prioritizes safety in medical environments by updating the standards for medical gas pipeline systems. This update covers the distribution of medical gases, medical vacuum systems, and anesthesia gas scavenging systems, ensuring patient safety and operational reliability in healthcare settings.

New Brunswick (2024-15) April 16, 2024