Regulating Washrooms at Construction Sites

The order, effective October 1, 2024, modifies the British Columbia Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, B.C. Reg. 296/97, under the authority of the Workers Compensation Act, R.S.B.C. 2019. These amendments focus primarily on washroom facilities at construction sites, introducing new requirements for employers to ensure that workers have access to adequate and sanitary washroom conditions. The changes are designed to maintain the health, safety, and dignity of workers by ensuring they have access to clean and functional toilet and handwashing facilities, particularly at large construction sites.
One of the key amendments involves changes to Section 4.85. These modifications clarify the conditions under which handwashing facilities must be provided. The first adjustment modifies subsection (1) to make it subject to new subsections (2) and (4), indicating that exceptions or additional conditions may now apply. Additionally, the term “hand-washing” is simplified to “handwashing.” A new subsection (4) is added to clarify that Section 4.85 does not apply to “specified construction sites,” as defined in a newly introduced section, 20.3.1.
The most significant part of the amendment is the introduction of new sections, 20.3.1 and 20.3.2, which focus specifically on regulating washroom facilities at construction sites. These sections ensure that workers at large construction sites have access to appropriate and sanitary toilet facilities. Section 20.3.1 provides definitions for key terms, including “chemical toilet,” which refers to a toilet without a bowl where waste falls into a tank with chemicals that process it, and “flush toilet,” which refers to a toilet connected to a sanitary sewer or holding tank that flushes waste with clean water or a water-chemical mixture. The section also defines “handwashing facility” as a place where individuals can wash their hands with soap and water or use an alternative method when water is unavailable.
Section 20.3.2 outlines the responsibilities of employers regarding the provision of toilets at large construction sites. Employers must ensure that a sufficient number of flush toilets are available for workers. If providing flush toilets is not feasible, they are required to provide chemical toilets or other types of toilets. Employers are also responsible for maintaining these toilets in good working condition, ensuring they are regularly cleaned and sanitized to remain hygienic. Furthermore, toilets must be placed in enclosed spaces that provide privacy, are ventilated, illuminated, and, if possible, heated. Each toilet must be equipped with an adjacent handwashing facility or one nearby, and these facilities must be stocked with necessary supplies such as soap, toilet paper, and drying materials.
Employers are also required to maintain records of the maintenance and cleaning activities carried out to ensure compliance with the regulations. By establishing new standards for toilets and handwashing facilities, the regulation aims to protect workers from unsanitary conditions and improve their overall working environment.
British Columbia (260/2024) September 10, 2024