Building Equity in Legislative Salaries


The Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act Amending Regulations, 2024 introduces revisions to Schedule C of the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, refining the compensation framework for members of the Legislative Assembly and key officeholders. These amendments were enacted by the Management and Services Board under the authority of section 35 of the Act. The changes aim to standardize indemnities and allowances, ensuring fairness and consistency in remuneration.

The amendments detail updates to three primary categories of compensation: member indemnities, constituency work indemnities, and additional role-based indemnities. Under section 25 of the Act, each member will now receive an annual base indemnity of $123,107, supplemented by a constituency work indemnity of $33,362 to support duties within their electoral districts. These provisions reflect the legislative intent to adequately compensate members for their general responsibilities and localized representation.

Additional indemnities under section 26 address compensation for members holding specific leadership roles. The Premier is allocated an annual additional indemnity of $113,426, while the Deputy Premier receives $104,451. Other Ministers and the Speaker are each entitled to $95,477 annually. The Deputy Speaker’s additional indemnity is set at $24,622, with the deputy chairperson of the Committee of the Whole receiving $6,459. Chairpersons of Standing or Special Committees are compensated with $5,563, and caucus chairpersons are granted $3,768 annually. Members who undertake particular assignments or duties are further entitled to an additional indemnity of $412 under section 27. These adjustments recognize the varied responsibilities and contributions of officeholders beyond standard legislative duties.

Moreover, the regulations amend the transitional allowance provision under section 33, capping the maximum payable amount at $123,107. This allowance provides financial support to members transitioning out of office, ensuring they are equipped to adjust to post-legislative careers.

The amendments are deemed retroactively effective as of September 30, 2024, aligning the updated compensation framework with the ongoing fiscal year. By instituting these changes, the regulations aim to improve transparency, equity, and clarity in the remuneration policies governing members of the Legislative Assembly and key officeholders.

Nunavut (R-032-2024) November 30, 2024