Changes to Year’s Maximum Insurable Remuneration for Worker’s Compensation and Daily Meal and Incidental Expense Allowance


On January 1, 2023 an amendment to the Worker’s Compensation General Regulations amended the “Year’s Maximum Insurable Remuneration” (YMIR) from $102,200 to $107.400 for workers and employees. For harvesters of wildlife deemed as workers and increase from $50,514 to $53,000. 

YMIR is the maximum amount of earnings the WSCC uses to calculate compensation for injured workers per year. An employer’s assessable payroll is the gross salary for each worker up to the YMIR limit.

The amendment also decreases the reimbursement rate a worker receives where regularly scheduled public transportation is unavailable or inconvenient from $0.605 to $0.580.

Daily Meal and Incidental Expenses Allowance

I Item II Allowance III NWT IV Nunavut V Canada or USA (other than NU or NT)
1. Breakfast $25.55 $29.25 $22.80
2. Lunch $31.00 $35.50 $23.05
3. Dinner $66.35 $94.55 $56.60
4. Incidental Expenses $17.30 $17.30 $17.30


*Source: Nunavut R-036-2022 January 1, 2023.