How the Latest Regulatory Amendments are Reshaping Hospital Operations
February 25, 2023
The Hospitals Act Hospital Management Regulations Amendment introduced on February 14, 2023, makes critical revisions to the management and operation of hospitals as governed by the Hospitals Act. These amendments refine definitions, streamline procedures, and clarify responsibilities concerning patient care and hospital administration.
Some of the revisions include:
- Definitions for terms such as “attending medical practitioner” and “medical director” have been eliminated.
- New terms like “authorized practitioner,” “midwife,” and “most responsible practitioner.” Specifically, an “authorized practitioner” now encompasses medical staff with hospital privileges, nurse practitioners, and midwives authorized by Health PEI.
- Patient admission to a hospital must be based on an order from an “authorized practitioner” who determines it is clinically necessary. In addition, a baby born in a hospital is automatically deemed admitted.
- Hospitals are now mandated to include, in hospital registers, detailed information about each in-patient, including their name, health number, date of admission, diagnosis, and the responsible practitioner.
- Only the “most responsible practitioner” is authorized to order treatments.
- The “most responsible practitioner” alone is authorized to order a patient’s discharge and any discharge orders must be issued such that they accommodate for potential delays (i.e. waiting on available space or community support services).
- Other sections that have previously addressed various aspects of hospital management have been revoked or replaced to better ones more aligned with contemporary practices.
These amendments aim to improve clarity and efficiency in hospital management by ensuring well-defined and effective patient care responsibilities.
Source: Prince Edward Island (EC2023-85), February 14, 202