Changing Emission Standards – Clean Air – Halocarbons



On February 22, 2023, the Minister of the Environment announced proposed amendments to several regulations under the Environmental Quality Act. These include changes to the Clean Air Regulation, the Regulation respecting Halocarbons, the Regulation respecting Environmental Standards for Heavy Vehicles, and the Regulation respecting the Quality of the Atmosphere. The revisions are aimed at updating and enhancing atmospheric emission standards.

The proposed amendments to the Clean Air Regulation include provisions allowing the Minister to request any data recorded by continuous emission measurement systems, including data entered into registers or other documents. Additionally, the draft regulation introduces an exception to particle emission standards for horticultural peat harvesting, provided specific conditions are met. The method for calculating contaminant concentrations will also be revised to include all sources, ensuring a more accurate reflection of cumulative emissions. Adjustments will be made to administrative and penal penalties based on the severity of non-compliance. Furthermore, an exception is proposed for above-ground tanks storing volatile organic compounds located in the Municipalité de l’Île-d’Anticosti.

The proposed amendments to the Regulation respecting Halocarbons (chapter Q-2, r. 29) include clarifications of certain terms and the prohibition of sulfur hexafluoride emissions from magnesium alloy production processes. The regulation will also update requirements for detecting and recovering halocarbons from equipment. Modifications will be made to prohibit the repair or modification of equipment to accommodate halocarbons with high global warming potential. Changes are also proposed for record-keeping and reporting requirements. Additionally, monetary and penal sanctions will be adjusted to reflect the seriousness of regulatory breaches.

Source: Quebec (chapter Q-2, r. 29), February 22, 2023