Initiative for Addressing Joint Replacement Surgery Backlogs
The Relief for Long-Waiting Joint Replacement Patients Regulations establishes a regulatory framework under the Health Administration Act of Saskatchewan. These regulations are specifically designed to address the backlog of patients awaiting joint replacement surgeries, notably arthroplasty, a surgery to restore the function of a joint by resurfacing the bones.
The primary aim of these regulations is to alleviate the wait times for patients by facilitating access to joint replacement surgeries outside the province. This framework emphasizes defining patient eligibility, managing agreements with out-of-province surgical facilities, and setting financial parameters for these procedures.
The term “long-waiting patient” is defined as any individual who, as of April 1, 2023, has been on the Saskatchewan Surgical Registry waitlist for arthroplasty for 12 months or more. Additionally, “out-of-province surgical facility” describes a healthcare facility located outside Saskatchewan that has entered into an agreement with the minister to perform arthroplasties for designated patients.
Eligibility and designation criteria are detailed in Section 3. To be designated as eligible for funding, patients must:
- Be residents of Saskatchewan,
- Be classified as long-waiting patients,
- Meet the clinical criteria established by the out-of-province facility,
- Be recommended by the Saskatchewan Health Authority as suitable for surgery at an out-of-province facility,
- Be accepted by the minister for financial coverage.
Eligible patients who meet these criteria will be entitled to financial assistance for their arthroplasty procedures at out-of-province facilities.
Section 4 permits the minister to forge agreements with out-of-province surgical facilities to facilitate the necessary arthroplasty procedures. These agreements are integral to managing the logistical and operational aspects of providing surgeries outside Saskatchewan.
Section 5 addresses the financial provisions associated with these regulations. The minister is authorized to cover the costs of arthroplasty procedures at out-of-province facilities from April 1, 2023, to September 30, 2024. However, the total expenditure for these procedures is capped at $10 million, ensuring that costs remain within a defined budget and balancing the need to address the backlog with fiscal responsibility.
Source: Saskatchewan (323/2023) May 19, 2023