Compensating Municipalities for Residual Materials

The Draft Regulation under the Environment Quality Act (Chapter Q-2) proposes amendments to the existing rules regarding compensation for municipal services related to the recovery and reclamation of residual materials.
The amendments primarily focus on clarifying the obligations of various entities under the current regulations. Notably, the draft aims to align the compensation rules with an end date of December 31, 2024. Additionally, it specifies which types of municipal services may qualify for compensation when supplementary costs arise, helping to establish clearer guidelines for calculating the annual compensation owed to municipalities in certain scenarios.
For the year 2023, the draft outlines the method to determine the compensation rate for municipalities, ensuring transparency and consistency in financial support. Importantly, the regulation is designed not to impact businesses, indicating that the changes are focused primarily on municipal operations and responsibilities.
The urgency of implementing this draft regulation is underscored by several factors. Firstly, the existing Regulation concerning a deposit-refund system for specific containers will impose obligations starting November 1, 2023. Since the same entities responsible for compliance under the compensation regulation are involved, it is crucial to synchronize their obligations. This alignment ensures that both sets of regulations apply uniformly to the designated parties, facilitating easier compliance and administration.
Additionally, the draft regulation seeks to harmonize its provisions with those of other related regulations, including amendments to the selective collection system for residual materials. The consistent timing of these changes is vital to maintain coherence across the various regulations, ensuring that affected parties understand their obligations without confusion.
The draft regulation intention is to refine the framework for municipal compensation related to the recovery and reclamation of residual materials. By clarifying obligations, specifying eligible services, and synchronizing the effective dates of related regulations, the government aims to create a more coherent and efficient regulatory environment.
Quebec (Proposed) July 19, 2023